What we do

Corridors contributes to peacebuilding in the South Caucasus and Eastern Europe by tackling root causes of conflict. We support people from the grassroots to the policy level and build mutual understanding through dialogue over the divide.

Our approach

Corridors develops and implements participatory and holistic peace education and capacity building processes. We support the deconstruction of enemy images and build positive relations through joint learning and interest-driven cooperation.   

Why our work matters

Transforming protracted conflicts cannot take place without the meaningful inclusions of diverse actors. Empowering and connecting these people to become agents of change, overcome their trauma, and prepare their societies for peace is key. 

Areas of expertise

Dialogue and Cooperation

Peace Education

Peace and Conflict Research

Trauma Informed Peacebuilding 

Consulting Services

Latest News

call for participants: "Promoting Well-being Competence in Youth Work" Erasmus+ training course

We invite young people from Germany and Corridors alumni from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Germany, Poland, and Ukraine to join our upcoming Erasmus+ training course: "Promoting Well-being Competence in Youth Work," aimed at improving the quality of youth work with trauma-affected young people across Europe.


Download the file below for more details!


Phase 1: September 30 - October 6, 2024 (Gremi, Georgia)
Phase 2: April 24 - 30, 2025 (Georgia)

Location: Kakheti Region, Georgia

Deadline for applications: August 23

Application link for German participants: HERE.


Application link for Corridors alumni: HERE.



InfoPack_Promoting Well-being Competence
Adobe Acrobat Document 177.3 KB


Corridors and Temi community invite you to volunteer at Peace Camp Gremi in Georgia. Help us create a unique space for learning, connection, and action. Roles available in eco-friendly construction, peace education, and hospitality. Join us for 4-8 weeks from September to November.


Apply by August 30th and send your CV and motivational letter to relitz@opencorridors.de. 



Adobe Acrobat Document 375.2 KB

NEW release: corridors proceedings vol. iv

We are thrilled to announce the release of Corridors Proceedings Vol. IV: Maneuvering Increased Vulnerability and Polarization in the Caucasus. This publication is a testament to the dedication and expertise of young civil society actors and researchers from across the Caucasus region, diversifying conflict-related discourses and amplifying the voices of marginalized groups.

Find the publication, along with the three previous Corridors Proceedings volumes in the Publications section.